Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's a Boy!

Despite numerous, vocal protests by the girls, a boy monster has been created at our home. We're not certain about a name yet. Fred seems like a good possibility.

What we do know is that he is a nice guy, on the quiet side, with an interest in horticulture--or at least playing in the dirt. (Technical specs: this crocheted softie is crafted from worst weight yarn, stuffed with poly-fill. He is 100% baby-safe and has been approved by my girls for huggability and fun. He is a one -of-a-kind currently, but I might make more.)

In other news: April showers did indeed bring May flowers. The tulips are up and about.

If you are keeping track, the score for this week is:
4 bears sent to Mother Bear Project
1 afghan (+ purchased stuffie and book) sent to Project Night Night
3 swaps completed and mailed (which means I have almost completed all my obligations on Swap-Bot)
1 cotton wash clothe completed for Knit-Together
1 monster

Which leaves me with only 4,562,841 projects to complete. Wahoo!


Susan Loftin said...

What a cute boy monster!

Recovering Noah said...

Congrats! Little boys are the best. :-)

Tracy, you're so incredibly talented. You knit, too??!!!